My name is Wendy Joffe and I am a Psychologist and Personal/ Executive Coach with over 45 years of experience based in Miami, FL.
My name is Wendy Joffe and I am a Psychologist and Personal/ Executive Coach with over 45 years of experience based in Miami, FL.
by Dr. Wendy Joffe
"I wish there were more hours in the day!" Who hasn't said that?
We seem to be continually in a rush, always anticipating the next activity. We often spend our days as the "roadrunner," always trying to play catch up with our "to do" list. We live in a "crunch mode " and are constantly trying to figure out how we can better use our time and identify ways we can "multitask" in order to get more done.
by Dr. Wendy Joffe
How and why to make yourself a priority.
What advice would you give yourself 20, 30, 40, years from now? Every time I have asked that question people seem to offer similar answers.
Do what is important to me.
Spend time with people I care about.
Appreciate what I have.
by Dr. Wendy Joffe
Change in dysfunctional behavioral patterns is thought to occur when families experiment with new and different interactions which are positively reinforced. The rewarding experience then leads to the reoccurrence of the new transaction which, with repeated performance, becomes integrated into the family’s behavioral repertoire.
by Terry Levy and Wendy Joffe
The goal of this paper is to present a conceptual model of what occurs on psychological, emotional and interpersonal levels during and following the termination of a close relationship. A close relationship is defined as ongoing, emotionally and/or sexually intimate, and involving feelings of commitment and attachment. This paper is to be a guide for the therapist who endeavors to understand and help people during these difficult and complex times.
by Melvin Black and Wendy Joffe
The high incidence of divorce in recent years has created a strong need to re-examine the interplay between clinicians and lawyers working with the divorce process. The impending termination of an intimate relationship is often accompanied by considerable emotional pain and anger for the divorcing couple.
by Melissa Steinberg and Wendy Joffe
Stages of Healing: A Guide for Counseling Adult Children of Alcoholics compiles, interprets, and expands therapeutic techniques for working with adult children into a single, thorough counseling reference. Addiction and family therapists,, psychologists, social workers, medical professionals, and career counselors will be better prepared to deal with the psychological and sociological dynamics of their adult child patients with the help of this book's straightforward explanations and case histories.
““Stages of Healing” is a book for professionals written by professionals. Melissa Steinberg and Wendy Joffe do a fine job of laying out what we as counselors and therapists need to do to help heal the wounds of adult children of alcoholics while gently reminding us to care for ourselves.”